Thursday, 31 May 2018

Shristie Budhia & Cyril Menouillard : IN THE MAIDEN NAME OF THE ROSE

exposition du 2 au 27 juin 2018

With loose associations and chance encounters this exhibition will devise a puzzle that traces through Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose a history of the Parco della Montagnela, the oldest public park of Bologna, Italy. Looking at puzzles not as conclusive pieces that join to form a single pre-defined image but as constantly altering and flexible potentialities, this exhibition will attempt to engage the audience to become active participants in producing new realities

Tuesday, 1 May 2018


On est tous zwischen.
Torturé par sa volonté perpétuelle de mouvement, on se retrouve toujours à attendre.
Ces moments d‘entre-deux glacés par l‘objectif froid de l’appareil.

exposition de photos du 5 au 29 mai
vernissage le 4 mai > 19h